Christmas 2018 in Lithuania

Family, Lithuania, Xmas

By the end of 2018 we flew to Lithuania over Xmas. The flights were expensive but Elvyra insisted on me experiencing the holidays her way, and she was right to.

Actually the neighbour's house, but you get the idea.
One of many cakes.

We ate a ton of food, drank an equal lot of booze and manage to visit most of Elvyra's friends & family.

Lots of snow to goof around in.
The whole family was cooking.
Vilnius' clockwork tree.

In between there was some light tourism to Vilnius, some cinema and a lot of snow shoveling. I even impressed Elvyra's dad by chopping some wood without hacking off my foot. The next day however he proudly showed me his brand new electric logsplitter. Now I know what it feels like when your job is replaced by machines.

Burning some calories.
Land life causes insanity.
Traditional Christmas eve dinner. One meal for each of the, uhm 21 or so apostles.
Pig's ears are a popular pub snack.

After the new year we crossed the Alps again the other way and returned to our floating home. The plane was flying a bit lower this time, as we had brought a lot of food, both in our bags and in our bellies.

After dinner nap.